Ride a Wheelchair Trike Motorcycle the Length of the Pan-American Highway


  1. Design and Build an Electric Wheelchair Motorcycle - The eCharioteer
  2. Find, acquire, design & modify an RV for Wheelchair accessibility while maximizing fuel efficiency, solar & wind power generation.
  3. Tow Trailer for eCharioteer + 2 Motorcycles
  4. Crew - 1 Documentary Filmmaker and 2 Caregivers who are also drive wheelchair Accessible RV, 1 Quadriplegic Power Wheelchair Motorcyclist


  • Joined by Motorcycle Clubs, other RV'ers for sections of route
  • Guest Ride-Alongs in RV for media, enthusiasts, and wheelchair users
  • Will visit Rehabilitation, VA Vetern's, & Disabled Children's Hospitals along the route